Medicina Sagrada is a Brazilian company, legally established under the CNPJ ………., which is dedicated to the sale, through the internet, of herbs, seeds and roots of medicinal plants, rare, exotic, incense natural products, tobacco products and books. The herbs and medicinal plants presented here have a long history of traditional use and popular by various people around the planet, thus constituting a millennial and cultural tradition of humanity.
The goal of Sacred Medicine is to provide high-quality products and quality, and the customer is responsible for ALL RESPONSIBILITY RESPECT FOR THE DESTINATION AND USE OF PRODUCTS PURCHASED.
When making a purchase the contractor declares to be aware and in total subject to the following terms and conditions:
01 – This website is exclusively for adults. The contractor adult and legally responsible, and are over 18 years of age.
Warning: informing false age constitutes a crime of ideological falsehood.
02 – The contractor declares to have full responsibility for the products and their use in the manner prescribed by the supplier, exempting the Sacred Medicine company, from any personal injury or to third parties, loss of profits or income, loss of use of products or equipment, any loss of property or any type of accident or inconvenience that may result from the purchase, ingestion, use, or or abuse of any product.
03 – The contractor declares to have prior knowledge about the product acquired and its correct manner of use, dosage and possible effects collaterals. The company Sacred Medicine is not responsible for acts and actions taken by third parties
04 – It is the customer’s obligation to keep the products out of reach of children or animals,
05 – The information provided by Sacred Medicine is purely for information and research purposes based on
traditions and shamanic rituals and do not constitute
recommendation to practice certain action
06 -The information on herbs and plants contained in this site are of
popular and traditional knowledge, not constituting, in any way,
recommendation or medical prescription.
07 – Sacred Medicine promises to post the products
mail updates to the customer by mail
08 – Sacred Medicine is not responsible for shipments that suffer
delayed, lost, lost, or suffered any kind of
damage or opening by the carrier. Sacred Medicine assumes
responsibility for the product until the time of delivery in
post offices.
09 – The RIGHT OF REPENTANCE may be exercised by the
CONTRACTING PARTY in accordance with the provisions of Decree 7962/2013,
Sagrada accepts only returns and exchanges of non-infringing products, in
their original packaging, returned within 7 days after received,
according to art. 49 of the Code of Consumer Protection.
The costs of remittance are borne by the customer and paid
in advance. Exchange will only be resubmitted after the return is
received and the value of the re-shipment to be paid in full.
10 – Medicina Sagrada reserves the right to change any
information, price or site rule at any time without notice
previous or later. The client must be aware of the rules in force each
use our services.
11 – All illustrations, photographs, designs and logos of the website are
registered with copyrights. Redistribution, retransmission,
republication, or any commercial use of these is strictly prohibited
without the written permission of Sacred Medicine. All the rights
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Sacred Medicine recommends medical consultation
the use of products by pregnant and
breast-feeding . necessarily,
In the same way must proceed elderly people, hypertensive,
diabetics or those with physical or mental illness.
Only your doctor can tell you what is best for your health.
Check it whenever you need it.
visit also sacred-snuff.com